Monday, February 28, 2011

< Let’sLove那就爱吧! >

哈哈 =)  27日晚上8pmLucky  我去了  不然我会后悔吧  金价好看~
like它的开场  很吸引我~
文康的那一句一分钟让我在想我是怎么使用它的  应该都没好好的用吧现在起应该要好好的想了~
我也需要一个自己的行李箱  里面装着不同的衣裤  让我每天有不同的形象  好像我不是每天都过着同样的生活  每天都有新感觉~

This 6 stories all gave me sad feel~  But I love it~  It is about love story & friendship~  We cant know what happen around us~  So just trust your friends your love, don’t let it become your regret~
Not very remember the title of each story. Nice^^
1 Maybe bar maybe dance ball.  Very like the song! Smile my friends, let the tired and unhappy pass~  Sad just make ourselves pain~  很喜欢亲吻你的额头是一种祝福”~
2 The boy can’t endure the girl’s father hit his daughter. He want she leave her father, but the girl can’t do it. At last the father hit the girl again, the cant control himself. He hit the father, so he go into the 感化院. The boy loved the girl, but the use the wrong way to protect her. 他训她的那幕好刺激过瘾~
3 Msn女友.  The boss doesn’t know the girl that one-sided love and care him is beside him. When he knew the love is already too late. 只能说珍惜眼前人~
4 The girl always done the things what the boy tell her. It must happy finally the boy feels it. 哇蛇那男孩审问她的方式太可爱和帅气了吧~ [耍花痴*@.@*]
5 Gay. No everyone can accept it. Our mouth say “Ya, why not! Everyone got their way to choose their love, we not need to care about them. ”; but our brain will think “Geli”. It is an interest talk for us. ^^
6 . The boy already leaved, the girl receives the dairy of the boy. She reads the dairy and feels that he is beside her but she also knows he already can’t see him anymore. 痛苦的永远都是留下来的人~ This is the story I most like. Actually I very like the boy that write their feel in the dairy, it is very cute~
Piano & violin play so well. Like it. Make me close my eye to hear and feel it.
舞台剧结束就表明到了拍照时间啦拍不多,但重点我们拍到大合照!  Good Haha =D

华文学会的314日的舞台剧《83天团》也要那么棒~  Fighting~ 

写于 2011228    feel满满

Thursday, February 17, 2011


^^好巧 真巧












以前看哭戏 好笑 哭什么啊 都是假的

现在 大了吧 会想了 很多事就变得不一样了





冷冷的天气热热的打边炉 爽啊


新年的祝福 心里有温暖 就有正能量!!!

2011216 心乱来了